安信 WeWa Card 手機應用程式使用條款
本人明白,安信 WeWa Card 手機應用程式「( 本應用程式」)由安信信貸有限公司「( 安 信」)提供。本程式使用條款(「本使用條款」)是本人與安信之間訂立之協議。當 本人使用或進入本應用程式任何部分,即表示本人確認、同意及接受下列各點:
1. 擁有權 安信提供本應用程式予所有人的同時,亦保留所有本程式內的文本、圖像、標誌、 聲音、影像、數據彙編、版面、工具、程式碼(包括目標代碼及源代碼)、軟件 及任何其他資料(下稱「內容」)的權利、所有權和權益(包括知識產權)。禁止任何 在未有得到安信事先書面同意下將本程式或其中載有的材料抄襲至本人的設備 及/或伺服器,或更改或重用本程式的文本或圖像。安信保留所有在本使用條款中 未有明確授予本人之權利。
2. 登記
本人可能須提供個人識別資料登記 WeWa 手機賬戶以使用本應用程式。本人承諾 (a)按要求提供本人完整、真實、最新及準確的個人識別資料;(b)保持並及時更新 本人的個人識別資料,以確保其於任何時間都完整、真實、最新及準確;及(c)本 人透過任何網站所提供有關任何內容的資料(「其他資料」)均為完整、真實、最 新及準確。若本人提供不完整、過時、失實或不準確的個人識別資料及∕或其他 資料,或安信有合理理由懷疑該等資料不完整、過時、失實或不準確,則安信有 權暫停或終止本人的 WeWa 手機賬戶,或拒絕本人在目前或將來使用任何及所有 服務(或其任何部分)。
3. 資料政策
本人就登記 WeWa 手機賬戶提供的所有個人識別資料及安信為本人提供服務時所 得的所有個人識別資料,均受安信不時頒佈有關收集個人資料及私隱的適用政策 所約束。該等資料政策可於安信各分行索取或於安信網頁 www.primecredit.com 查閱。
4. 密碼及保安
4.1 本人明白須輸入用戶名稱及密碼登入 WeWa 手機賬戶以使用本應用程式提供 的某些服務。本人須負責將用戶名稱及密碼保密,並對所有以該等用戶名稱及∕ 或密碼進行的活動承擔全部責任。本人同意(a)倘若確實或可能已發生任何未經授
權使用本人的用戶名稱及/或密碼或其他違反保安的情況,本人將立即通知安信; 及(b)確保本人在每次結束瀏覽時登出 WeWa 手機賬戶。安信亦無法且不會對因本 人未能遵守本使用條款的規定而產生的任何損失或損害承擔責任。即使已有通知, 本人依然須為使用本人用戶名稱的任何有關服務承擔責任(無論是否經本人授 權)。
4.2 本人確認本人的用戶名稱及密碼屬保密資料,在任何情況下均不得向任何人 士披露。本人違反該機密性的任何言語、行動或行為,無論有意或無意,均會導 致本人須就由此引起安信的所有損失或損害承擔責任。本人須採取所有必要的預 防措施來維持用戶名稱及密碼的機密性。本人謹此同意及確認,任何人士(無論是 否經本人授權)用本人的用戶名稱及∕或密碼來使用服務將構成並視為本人本身 使用服務。
5. 擬讀取的資料及擬進行的操作
5.1 本應用程式會記錄本人瀏覽的次數,所收集的瀏覽次數記錄只會用於製作統 計報告及調查本應用程式出現的問題,以助改善本應用程式。
5.2 當本人使用本應用程式的某些服務例如上載文件時,本應用程式可能需要使 用本人的智能手機的相機鏡頭或取用本人的智能手機上的照片,但不會讀取智能 手機相片簿內的資料。
6. 使用及更新
6.1 安信保留更新或補充本使用條款的權利。當該更新及/或補充與現有的本使用 條款有抵觸情況下,以更新及/或補充為准。如本應用程式或有關服務中含有任何 開放源碼軟件,則開放源碼軟件的條款可能凌駕本使用條款的某些條款。安信可 隨時於本人下一次啟動本應用程式時向本人發送更新通知,新條款可能會顯示在 螢光幕上,並可能須本人同意閱讀及接受該新條款,方可繼續使用本應用程式。 若本人繼續使用應用程式,本人將受任何或所有更新本使用條款約束。
6.2 如果本人控制但並非有關裝置 (例如流動電話或其他裝置) 之擁有人,安信將 假定本人已獲該等裝置擁有人的允許以下載本應用程式到裝置上。本人將根據本 使用條款,接受在任何裝置 (不論是否由本人擁有) 上使得本應用程式和有關服 務的相關責任。
6.3 安信不會就本應用程式之下載和使用收取費用,但本人應獨自承擔在本人裝 置上下載及/或使用本應用程式的相關數據服務收費,該等收費詳情可向流動網絡 供應商查詢。
6.4 對於本人使用本應用程序所產生之所有費用,包括但不限於 (a) 本人任何行 為上或行為上之遺留上違反本使用條款;或(b)本人使用此應用程序提供的任何 服務,本人同意賠償、不追究及維護安信及其相關連公司,附屬機構、管理人員、 員工、代理商、承辦商或其他合作伙伴就其中及所有涉及之任何索償、訴訟、訴 訟程序、損失、損害及責任。
7 第三方連結
7.1 本人明白,本應用程式可能含有連接至由第三方所提供的其他網站及資源。 這些連結僅為本人提供資料及/或更方便的連結而設,安信並未對該等網站提供的 內容、準確性或意見或與其他網站的鏈接進行審查、核實、監察或認可。安信亦 不會對該等網站的存在、使用、暫停、中斷和/或其他無法供使用的情況所導致的 任何損失和損害承擔責任,本人有責任負責及承擔與該等網站之間的互動(包括向 該等網站提供資料或與該等網站進行交易)的風險。本程式提供那些連結亦不表示 安信認可那些網站或資源或其操控者或與其有聯繫。安信並不為任何第三方網站 的内容負責任。
7.2 當本人進入本應用程式時,本人的域名伺服器地址及所瀏覽的網頁將作記錄, 以作統計分析。若干其他資料將透過”cookies”檔案收集。Cookies 為自動儲存在本 人的無線通訊裝置的瀏覽器內的小型資料檔案,可由本應用程式讀取。
7.3 當本人使用本應用程式的某些服務例如搜尋分行網絡、提供附近商戶優惠時, 可能需要使用從本人的智能手機所發送有關現在位置的資訊 (如 GPS 訊號)。使用 本應用程式時,本人同意安信、獲許可人仕及 Google 存取、監察、傳輸、收集、 維護、披露、處理和使用本人的位置數據,讓安信及 Google 根據本應用程式及 Google 的條款和條件及隱私權政策提供相關功能。而使用 Google 地圖/Google 地 球應用程式介面,須受 Google 條款和條件約束,有關條款和條件詳列於: 服務條款 https://maps.google.com/help/terms_maps.html
使用政策 https://www.google.com/enterprise/earthmaps/legal/us/maps_AUP.html 法律聲明 https://maps.google.com/help/legalnotices_maps.html 本人確認並同意,安信對 Google 地圖/Google 地球的內容沒有控制權。
7.4 本應用程式將透過裝置向本人發送安信信用卡的一般推廣優惠和資訊的推送 通知。本人可隨時透過關閉裝置上的推送通知服務以關閉該功能。本人亦可隨時 透過裝置啟動回該推送通知功能。
7.5 本應用程式的某些服務將在本人使用本應用程式提供的社交媒體分享功能時 存取本人儲存在裝置上的社交媒體帳號 (如 Facebook, Whatsapp, 微信等)。若本 人不點按任何或所有裝置上選擇的社交媒體帳號的分享功能,或不直接在本人的社交媒體帳號內點按分享功能,該項功能將一直處於停用狀態。不同裝置和社交媒體平台提供不同方式去關閉分享功能,本人明白本人須自行檢查有關設定。
8 服務之限制
8.1 安信在任何情況下,均不負責因本人進入本應用程式所涉及的任何功能失效、 系統、伺服器或連線故障、錯誤、遺漏、中斷、保安問題、電腦病毒、惡意電腦 程式、破壞、運作或傳送延誤、延誤錯誤或未能使用服務而負上任何責任,即使 安信已獲通知可能會出現上述情況。
8.2 網上通訊可能會因互聯網的公開性質或其他原因而出現中斷、傳送失敗、傳 送延誤或傳送錯誤資料。在任何情況下,倘由於任何通訊網絡或提供接駁的任何 方面發生延誤或失效,以致任何服務全部或部分無法提供或無法獲取,安信概毋 須承擔責任。
9. 免責 本應用程式是按照「現有狀況」提供,安信不能就其功能作出任何形式的陳述、 擔保及保證。安信無法保證下載及/或存取本應用程式時不會出現任何中斷、延誤 或故障,亦不保證不會傳輸病毒或破壞性程式,或者不會令本人的行動裝置受損。 本人有責任保護本人的裝置及有用資料,採取適當預防措施,掃描病毒或破壞性 程式。安信沒有責任及/或賠償本人因上述所載明之任何事宜所受到之損失。
10. 終止 安信可隨時在有或沒有事先通知之情況下,有絕對酌情權去決定終止或暫停向本 人提供本應用程式,並不會因此對本人承擔任何責任。如安信終止提供本應用程 式,將會及時向本人發出通知。協議終止後,本人使用此應用程序的權利,以及 任何本使用條款授予本人的權限或其他權利將會結束,本人須停用該本應用程式 並從裝置中刪除。
11. 可分割性 倘本使用條款的任何一項或多項條款,或其在任何情況下的應用由於任何原因在 任何方面變為無效、非法或不可執行,則該條款在任何其他方面及本使用條款的 餘下部分的有效性、合法性及可執行性均不會受到損害。
12. 第三者權利
香港法例第 623 章《合約(第三者權利)條例》不適用於本使用條款,而除本使用 條款具體規定者外,本使用條款協方以外的任何人均不擁有本使用條款的任何權 利,並且立協方及具體規定者以外的任何人均不得強制執行本使用條款。
12. 準據法及司法管轄權 本應用程式所載或透過其取覽的任何資訊及資料均假定只在香港提供及使用。本 人進入本應用程式及∕或使用網上服務,即代表本人同意該等進入及∕或使用及 本使用條款均受香港法律管轄並按其解釋。本人同意受香港法院非專屬司法權管 轄。
PrimeCredit WeWa Card Mobile Application Conditions of Use
Important Note
I understand that PrimeCredit WeWa Card Mobile Application (“Application”) is provided by PrimeCredit Limited (“PrimeCredit”). These conditions of use (“Conditions of Use”) is an agreement between PrimeCredit and me. By using or accessing any part of this Application, I confirm and agree to the following:
1. Ownership
PrimeCredit retains all right, title and interest (including intellectual property rights) on all text, graphic images, logos, icons, sound clips, video clips, data compilations, page layout, underlying code (including object and source codes), software and any other materials (the “Content”) in and to this Application when providing this Application to anyone. Any act of “mirroring” this Application or the materials contained therein on my device and/or server without the prior written permission of PrimeCredit, or modifying or re-using the text or graphics on this Application is prohibited. PrimeCredit reserves all rights not expressly granted under this Conditions of Use.
2. Registration
I may be asked to provide personally identifiable information for registration of WeWa Card mobile application account in order to use this Application. I undertake to (a) provide my complete, current, true and accurate personally identifiable information as required; (b) maintain and promptly update my personally identifiable information to keep it complete, current, true and accurate at all times; and (c) provide complete, current, true and accurate information about any contents offered by me through any websites (the “Other Information”). If I provide
any personally identifiable information and/or Other Information that is incomplete, non current, untrue and inaccurate, or PrimeCredit suspects that such is incomplete, non current, untrue and inaccurate, PrimeCredit has the right to suspend or terminate my WeWa Card mobile application account or refuse any and all current or future use of our services (or any portion thereof).
3. Data Policy
I agree that all personally identifiable information provided by me for registration of a WeWa Card mobile application account or that arises from the relationship with PrimeCredit shall be subject to the applicable Personal Information Collection Statement and Privacy Policy from time to time issued by PrimeCredit. A copy of such policy is available on request at any branch of the PrimeCredit or from the PrimeCredit’s website www.primecredit.com.
4. Password and Security
4.1 I fully understand that I am required to sign in the WeWa Card mobile application account by entering my User ID and password in order to access this Application. I am responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of my User ID and password and am fully responsible for all activities that occur under such User ID and/or password. I agree to (a) immediately notify PrimeCredit of any actual or possible unauthorised use of my User ID and/or password or any other breach of security without delay; and (b) ensure that I sign out my WeWa Card mobile application account at the end of each visit. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, PrimeCredit cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from my failure to comply with this term. Notwithstanding the notification, I shall remain liable for any use of the services (whether authorized by me or not) under my User ID.
4.2 I acknowledge that my User ID and password are confidential and must not be disclosed to any other person(s) under any circumstances. Any words, action or conduct whether intentional or unintentional, by me breaching that confidentiality shall render I liable to PrimeCredit for all losses and damages thereby caused. I shall take all necessary precautions to maintain the confidentiality of my User ID and password. I hereby agree and acknowledge that the use of the services by any person whatsoever (whether authorised by me or not) with my User ID and/or password shall constitute and be deemed the use of the services by myself.
5. Data to be Accessed and Operations to be Carried Out
5.1 My visits to this Application will be recorded. The information collected is used to compile statistical reports and diagnose problems with this Application to help improve this Application.
5.2 When I use certain services provided by this Application such as document upload, this
Application may use the camera lens or the stored photos of my smartphone, but it will not access any information in the photo album of the smartphone.
6. Use and Updates
6.1 PrimeCredit reserves the right to provide any update or supplement to these Conditions of Use. In the event of any inconsistency between such update and/or the supplement and the then existing Conditions of Use, the update and/or the supplement shall prevail. If any open-source software is included in this Application, the terms of an open-source license may override some of the terms of this Application. PrimeCredit may change the terms of these Conditions of Use at any time by notifying me of a change when I next start this Application. The new terms may be displayed on-screen and I may be required to read and accept them to continue my use of this Application and services. If I continue using this Application, I will be bound by any or all modifications made to these Conditions of Use.
6.2 I will be assumed to have obtained permission from the owners of the devices (e.g. mobile phone or other devices) that are controlled, but not owned, by me and to download this Application onto the device. I accept responsibility in accordance with the Conditions of Use for the use of this Application or services on or in relation to any device, whether or not it is owned by me.
6.3 PrimeCredit will not charge any fee for the download and use of this Application. However, I will be solely responsible for charges associated with data service using on my device for downloading and/or accessing this Application on my device. Details of fees can be obtained from mobile network service provider.
6.4 I agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend PrimeCredit and its related companies, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, contractors, other partners against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, damages, injuries, liabilities and all costs suffered or incurred as a result of my use of this Application, including but not limited to (a) any of my acts or omissions in breach of any or all of these Conditions of Use; or (b) my use of any services provided by this Application.
7. Hyperlinks
7.1 This Application may contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties. These links are provided for my information and/or easy access only. I understand that the concept, accuracy or opinions provided by such websites or the links to other websites have not been examined, verified, supervised or recognized by PrimeCredit. PrimeCredit will not bear liability for any loss and damage arising from the presence, use, suspension, disruption and/or other non-availability of these websites. My interaction with these websites, including the
provision of any information thereto or any transaction therewith, will be wholly at my own risk and my sole responsibility. The inclusion of a link to another site from this Application does not imply any endorsement of or association with the sites or resources themselves or of those in control of them. PrimeCredit is not responsible for the content of any external website.
7.2 When I visit this Application, my domain name server address and the pages visited will be recorded for preparation of statistics and analysis. Some other information will be gathered through the use of “cookies”. Cookies are small pieces of information that are automatically stored on my web browser in my mobile telecommunication devices that can be retrieved by this Application.
7.3 When I use certain service such as branch finder and search for nearby merchant offers, PrimeCredit will use information about my physical location sent from my mobile device (e.g. GPS signals). If I continue to use, I consent to PrimeCredit, licensees and Google accessing, collecting, monitoring, disclosing, transmitting, maintaining, processing and using my location data to enable PrimeCredit and Google to provide the relevant functionality in accordance with the terms and conditions and privacy policy of this Application and those of Google. Access to Google Maps/ Google Earth APIs through this Application is subject to separate Google terms and conditions available at:
Maps terms (https://maps.google.com/help/terms_maps.html)
AUP (https://www.google.com/enterprise/earthmaps/legal/us/maps_AUP.html)
Legal notices (https://maps.google.com/help/legalnotices_maps.html)
I acknowledge and agree that PrimeCredit has no control on Google Maps/ Google Earth APIs.
7.4 I shall receive push notifications regarding PrimeCredit credit card information and promotion offers from PrimeCredit through my device. I agree that I can turn off this function at any time by turning off the push notifications services on my device. I may reactivate the push notifications services by turning on the function on my device at any time.
7.5 Certain services in this Application will access the social media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Whatsapp, WeChat) stored on my device when I use the social media “sharing” function provided in this Application. This function will remain disabled if I refrain from clicking on the “sharing” function for any or all of the selected social media accounts on my device, or in my social media account directly. Different social media platforms and devices have different ways to disable the “sharing” function and that I agree to check those setting myself.
8. Restriction of Services
8.1 Under no circumstances shall PrimeCredit be liable for any failure of performance, system,
server or connection failure, error, omission, interruption, breach of security, computer virus, malicious code, corruption, delay in operation or transmission, transmission error or unavailability of access in connection with my accessing this Application even if PrimeCredit had been advised as to the possibility.
8.2 Communications over the Internet may be subject to interruption, transmission blackout, delayed transmission or incorrect data transmission due to the public nature of the Internet or otherwise. PrimeCredit shall, accordingly, in no circumstances, be liable for any failure of any services in whole or in part or for my inability to gain access in whole or in part to such services due to the delay or failure of any communication networks or any party providing such access.
9. Disclaimer
This Application is provided “as is” with no representation, warranty or guarantee. PrimeCredit cannot guarantee that access to this Application will be uninterrupted that there will be no delays or failures. PrimeCredit cannot also guarantee that no viruses or destructive properties will be transmitted or that no damage will occur to my device. I am responsible for protection of useful data and device and for undertaking appropriate precautions to scan for viruses or other destructive properties. PrimeCredit will not be liable and/or reimburse any loss incurred as a result of any of the matters set out as above to me.
10. Termination
PrimeCredit may at any time with or without prior notice and at its discretion terminate or suspend the provision of this Application to me, and shall have no liability whatsoever to me for doing so. Upon termination, my right to use this Application, and any other rights or permissions granted to me in thse Conditions of Use, will end and I must stop using this Application and delete it from my device.
11. Severability
If any one or more of these Conditions of Use, or their application in any circumstance, is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect for any reason, the validity, legality and enforceability of that term or condition in any other respect and the remaining Conditions of Use shall not in any way be impaired.
12. Rights of third parties
The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623 of the laws of Hong Kong) shall not apply to these Conditions of Use and unless specifically herein provided no person other than the parties to these Conditions of Use and any assign of PrimeCredit shall have any rights under it nor shall it be enforceable by any person other than the parties to them and any assign
of PrimeCredit.
13. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The information and materials contained in or accessed through this Application are provided on the basis they are available and for use only in the HKSAR. By accessing this Application and/or using the online services, I agree that such access and/or use, as well as these Conditions of Use shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the HKSAR and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the HKSAR.
If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these Conditions of Use, the English version shall prevail.